Human nature

If someone really wants to be with you, they will. No one is ever too busy or “dealing with a lot” when they are genuinely interested in you. Those are easy excuses for someone that either is just not that into you or is too lazy to put in any effort.

Do not make excuses or try to rationalize this in your mind. It is what it is. As women, we try to be “understanding”. We don’t want to come off as too pushy or impatient. And you shouldn’t be. I am not saying to chase this person or to settle for their non-chalant attitude towards you. I am saying to leave it alone. It is ok to ask where the relationship is going or how the other person feels about you. But if their actions don’t match their words, you have to make a move.

It is a known fact that when a man is interested in a woman, he will pursue her. He will not be lazy about it because he doesn’t want another man to get to her. Men are territorial by nature and they go after what they want.

All you need to do is look at the animal kingdom for proof of this. Watch any National Geographic show or Planet Earth on Netflix and you will see what I mean. In almost any species of animal, the man pursues his female conquest and he goes hard for her. He might do a dance for her. He might fight another male competitor for her. He makes all sorts of noises to express his interest.

I watched Planet Earth the other day and saw Kimono Dragons fighting for a female dragon. I saw a male bird return to an island to meet up with his female counterpart that he meets every year in the same place to mate. He sat there alone and focused and sat patiently waiting for her to show up. I saw a sloth climb through trees and swim across a river when he heard a female on a neighboring island. A pack of male flamingos were literally marching in formation to impress a woman. Don’t believe me? Look at this vid below

Females in nature do not pick a male that does not pursue her. She picks the male who fights for her attention. The man who shows he will stop at nothing to have her. She knows she is the object of his desire and knows that he has to win her love. I never saw a female animal say “maybe he’s just busy” or “maybe it’s something I did”.

I’m not saying that the next man you are interested in should tap dance for you or get in a fist fight for you , but I am saying that you should recognize your worth and don’t feel guilty about making someone put effort into wooing you.

20’s V. 30’s

It’s amazing how much things can change in ten years. I often laugh at how different I am now in comparison to ten years ago. What used to be considered “fun” is no longer desirable. What used to be important now seems so trivial.

Here is a little list that I’m sure many can relate to and maybe you’ll get a good laugh from it. Feel free to add any other items you can think of or if you are older, let me know how this list will change once again.


20’s: Party all night then go straight to work

30’s: Party then needs to call out sick from work

20’s: Doesn’t get to club until midnight

30’s: Prefers daytime activities so they can be in bed by midnight

20’s: Loves being in big crowds and is tolerant of being bumped by random ppl

30’s: Gets anxiety attack and flips after being bumped more than once

20’s: Likes going to clubs and house parties

30’s: Likes dinners, shows or paint and sip

20’s: Drinks one too many cranberry vodkas even though history shows the night will end leaning over a toilet

30’s: Drinks one glass of alcohol and can’t keep their eyes open

20’s: Go to work/school then come home and get ready for your night out while listening to party music to get you pumped up

30’s: Go to work then come home and get straight into pajamas and watch your DVR recordings

20’s: Gets pissed if plans get cancelled

30’s: Prays that plans get cancelled

20’s: Enjoys hearing all the latest gossip

30’s: Too tired and concerned with paying my bills to worry about other people’s drama

20’s: Thinks life will end if relationship doesn’t work out

30’s: Looks back on past relationships and thinks “thank goodness that didn’t work out!”

20’s: Self conscious about being naked in front of a partner and critiques every “flaw” she has

30’s: Looks at her body and thinks “I don’t think you’re ready for this jelly!”

20‘s: I can’t wait to get home and talk on the phone for hours

30‘s: “Eh, we’ll talk when I see you”

20‘s: I can’t wait to live on my own and work and pay bills and be independent

30‘s: “OMG it’s like I’m working just to pay bills!”

A Mother’s Love

It wasn’t until I became a mom that I learned what unconditional love is. I always THOUGHT I knew what it meant to love someone unconditionally but now that I’m a mother, I realize that I didn’t.

As a mother, we put our children’s needs before our own. It doesn’t matter if you’re upset or tired, having a bad day or just not in the mood. We keep going and we put our best foot forward and do our best to be strong for our children. We drive between recreational activities, sports practices, dance rehearsals etc. because we want our children to get the most out of life and to be happy in spite of whatever fatigue or emotions we are feeling. It makes us happy seeing our children happy. We want our children to be better than we were, to have more opportunities and experiences than we did. To realize that they can truly be anything that they want to be. We wait up at night for them to come home. We get worried when we don’t hear from them. It breaks our heart to see them sad or hurt. We do what sometimes feels like the impossible to keep a smile on their face.

Being a mom encompasses many different roles. We are counselors, chefs, drivers, cheerleaders, homework helpers, coaches, alarm clocks, nurses. Just to name a few. We are our children’s backbone and strength. We are their protector and their guidance. We are there to motivate and instill our morals and values upon them, while at the same time allowing them to explore themselves as an individuals separate from ourselves, in hopes that they will become a responsible and respectful member of society.

We look past their flaws and mistakes. We hug and kiss them good night and good morning even when they drove us crazy. We see their full potential and sometimes we even sacrifice our dreams so that they can reach theirs. We put our needs second to theirs because we love them unconditionally.

Summer Nights

My favorite time of the day is sunset. When the sun is making it’s way down in the horizon and the sky is illuminated with beautiful hues of pink and purple. I’m also in love with the NYC skyline and so it’s no wonder I chose the picture above. My favorite sights to look at all at once. Although summer is no longer my favorite season, I love a summer sunset. When the temperature is not too hot yet still warm. 

Sunset is relaxing to me. There is something about sitting outside and simply admiring the sky during this time that brings peace inside and makes me feel good. It is calming and refreshing. Sometimes it’s nice to think that the people you love or perhaps someone you have lost are watching the very same sunset 

Happy National Margarita Day!

Every year in the United States, February 22nd is National Margarita Day. The margarita is the most common, tequila based cocktail in the United States. 

A margarita is a cocktail that consists of triple sec, tequila and lime or lemon juice. It is also garnished with salt around the rim. You can order your margarita shaken with ice (on the rocks), blended with ice (frozen) or without ice (straight up). It also comes in a variety of flavors including strawberry (my personal fave), mango, limeade, watermelon, pomegranate and raspberry. 

There are many stories about the origin of the margarita, but all agree it started somewhere between the 1930’s and 1940’s. One of the earliest stories attributes the drink to a restaurant owner by the name of Carlos “Danny” Herrera. His restaurant was called “Rancho La Gloria” and was located between Tijuana and Rosario, Mexico. Supposedly, he created the margarita for a customer, Marjorie King, who was allergic to many spirits except tequila. 

Pictured above, the Coronorita is one of my favorite drinks. It is basically a beer cocktail with a bottle of Corona turned upside down into a frozen margarita. 

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

Today marks the 75th anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.  On December 7th, 1941, the Japanese navy attacked the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This event is what led to the United States entry into World War II. 

The attack was meant to be a preventive measure to ensure that the US Pacific fleet would not interfere with Japanese plans to attack overseas territories. The US had moved their fleet from San Diego to Pearl Harbor prior to that to discourage Japanese aggression in the Far East. 2,403 Americans died as a result of the attack. The following day, the United States declared war on Japan. Later, Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy would declare war on the US and vice versa. 

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, President of the United States, declared December 7th, 1941, a “day which will live in infamy”. The attack was declared at the Tokyo Trials to be a war crime because of its unexpected nature.

Happy Espresso Day

Today is National Espresso Day. In case you don’t know what exactly an espresso is, here is Wikipedia’s definition:

In honor of Espresso Day, McDonalds was giving free medium McCafe drinks, hot and cold, to customers with the McDonalds app. I enjoyed the Caramel Mocha. 

Que sera sera

In life, people are going to let you down. This, unfortunately, is an unavoidable fact. There will be people who you went to the moon and back for and they would never think to return the favor when you are in need. 
There are people who will take advantage of your kindness. They will lie to you and betray you. They will be nice to you when they need something and then turn their back when they are in a better place. 

Although there will be times when this cannot be foreseen, often times it can be. So many times after a situation like this happens, we say that we had a bad feeling from the beginning or that something never quite seemed right. If we learned to listen to the little voice inside our head that alerts us when something is off, we would probably avoid many problems. 

I used to ignore the voice in my head, the feeling in my gut. I used to make excuses and tell myself I was “just being paranoid.” I don’t do that anymore and I have avoided a lot of potentially disappointing situations. I now recognize when something doesn’t add up and I move on. I no longer doubt myself or apologize for having standards. This may lead to times of feeling alone or feeling like you don’t really have anybody, but in the end it will reveal who truly values you and is not just there when you can benefit them. 

Every little bit counts

They say one man’s junk is another man’s treasure. You would be surprised how much we throw away that could actually be used by somebody else. 
My son’s clothes from last winter no longer fit him. I had cleaned out the drawers to make room for new clothing as I was going to put them in one of those clothing donation bins. But then I decided to post pictures of his clothes on his school’s Facebook page. Within ten minutes, a parent told me she could use the items and she picked them up the next evening.

The last couple of days I have also brought old papers/forms/mail etc that I have had sitting in a tote bag in my trunk for the last three months to a program for people with intellectual disabilities, as many of the individuals engage in paper shredding activities. They do this on an almost daily basis and struggle to gather enough paper to accommodate all participants. My mom had a large envelope for me this morning filled with papers to bring in.

So you see, what might no longer serve a purpose for you, can surely be used by someone else.